Odessa Terminal 4

About the Airport

Odessa Airport-Schlemeyer Field (ODO) is a vibrant general aviation facility serving the Midland-Odessa area in west Texas. The airport features a three-runway system, with primary Runway 11-29 measuring 6,200 feet long and 100 feet wide. Secondary Runways 2-20 and 16-34 are 5,703 feet long and 5,003 feet long, respectively. Instrument approaches are available to Runways 11, 29, and 20. The airport serves a wide array of GA activity, from small, piston aircraft to more sophisticated turboprops and jets. Significant portions of activity are driven by the oil and gas industries, as well as recreational uses, including out of town visitors flying in for football games. Five on-airport businesses provide FBO service, aircraft maintenance and storage, and more.

What is an ALP Update and Narrative Report?

It is the short and long-term development concept for the airport and the document to be used as guidance in planning for airport facility needs over a 20-year time period. The purpose of the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Update and Narrative Report is summarized as follows:

  • Provide a visioning document to guide airport management and other decision makers regarding development of the airport over the next 20 years.
  • Address local and national changes in the aviation industry that could impact priorities at Odessa Airport-Schlemeyer Field.
  • Identify and plan for potential capital projects, in advance, so that coordination, approvals, financing, design and construction can take place in a timely manner.
  • Develop a plan that addresses TxDOT/FAA and airport priorities (i.e., safety, design standards, land use compatibility, compliance, etc.).
  • To have a current and approved Airport Layout Plan (ALP) on file with TxDOT/FAA so that future grant funding can continue uninterrupted.
  • To increase stakeholder/public awareness of the airport’s goals and objectives.
  • To maintain communication and capital project discussions with TxDOT/FAA and airport stakeholders.
  • To document justification for TxDOT/FAA funding of specific projects, where it exists, and to provide triggers that would justify planned future projects.